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- Cancellation policy -

Cancellation right

You can revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without giving reasons in text format (e.g. letter, Fax, E-mail) or, if the item was conveyed to you before laps of time, by sending the item back. The stated period starts on receipt of this admonition in text format, but not before the receipt of the goods (for returning delivery of similar goods not before the receipt of the first part delivery) and not before feasance of our information obligation according to article 246 § 2 in conjunction with §1 subparagraph 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our obligation according §312g subparagraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with article 246 §3 EGBGB. To maintain the cancellation period suffices the seasonable dispatch of the cancellation or the goods. The cancellation has to be addressed to:

Sparta-Base 2015 S.L.U.
C/ Larga 21 Bj. B
E - 31592 Cintruénigo

Consequences of cancellation

In case of an operative cancellation deliverables on both sides have to be given back and p.r.n. benefit (e.g. interest) has to be issued. If you can not give back  the received goods or use and enjoyment or only in a worsened shape you have to abet compensation. You only have to abet compensation for worsened shape and use and enjoyment if it was in addition of checking of features and functionality. “Checking of features and functionality” means testing as it would be possible and common in a store. The return of mailable goods is at our risk. You have to bear costs if the delivered goods correspond to the ordered goods and the price for the delivered goods is not more than 40,-EUR or for a higher amount of the goods at the date of cancellation not yet effected a consideration or made a contractual partial payment. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you. Not mailable goods will be fetched from your place. Obligations for refund have to be fulfilled within 30 days. The period of time begins for you with the dispatch of the cancellation or the goods, for us with the receipt.


The right of cancellation subsists not for

* goods that are custom build or clearly fitted for personal needs or due to their state not right for a return or easily perishable or the best before date has exceeded,

* Audio- or Video-recording or software as far as the delivered medium was unsealed by you           

* download products.

- End of cancellation policy -

Sample right of revocation form
If you wish to revoke the contract, please fill in the following form and return it to us.

Sparta-Base 2015 S.L.U.
C/ Larga 21 Bj. B
E-31592 Cintruénigo

Fightplace - The Wrestling Company

Notice of revocation:
  Note: Please delete non-applicable items and provide additional information as required.
Goods ordered on: *
Goods received on:
Name of customer(s)
First name: *
Surname: *
Address of customer(s)
Street/No.: *
Postcode/Town:  *
Your email address so that we can confirm receipt of your revocation without delay:
Email address of customer: *
Date: 07.02.2025
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All prices inclusive VAT. plus shipping cost
