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Demolition Dude
Demolition Dude
39,90 €
Wild Christmas 2014
Wild Christmas 2014
Take it raw!
Take it raw!
Check the new one 1
Check the new one 1
The Christmas Tree - Part One + Part Two - Bundle
The Christmas Tree - Part One + Part Two - Bundle
Comeback of Chris
Comeback of Chris
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In the second part Piedro wanted to fight against Knut. Introduced by a short boxing session, they changed into a hard ... [more]
25,90 €
Knut, Alfred and Piedro want to decorate the Christmas-tree of the Fightplace living community. At the beginning they ... [more]
39,90 €
Knut, Alfred and Piedro want to decorate the Christmas-tree of the Fightplace living community. At the beginning they ... [more]
25,90 €
This year we got the first christmas celebration of our Fightplace-Youngsters, which we celebrated wild. But party ... [more]
25,90 €
After having their work done Mario and Christoph are chilling at home. It´s a nice summery day but Mario surfs ... [more]
15,90 €
When we saw Bubu and Justin fighting against each other on this year´s Christmas party we realized this fight ... [more]
25,90 €
5 Fighters - 5 Fights ! Charly and Laito start. Laito is a mate of Chris and fights in a similar style against Charly. ... [more]
25,90 €
Already the young men of the Fightplace Team have met at the high school gym for the second weekly training ... [more]
25,90 €
Thats what many of you are waiting for. At least you waited over two years. But it was worth it. Chris is back. Bigger, ... [more]
25,90 €
Very quickly it had got about in Team Fightplace that the new fighter Chris seems to be a really good and extremely ... [more]
25,90 €
Today the young bodybuilder Chris fights to first sometimes in the team Fightplace. Whenever a new comes, everything ... [more]
25,90 €
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